Monday, 29 September 2008

Boycott Against Israel!

The NSPGB supports the NSALP Boycott against all products brought from and all business done with Israel, all people who do business or buy any of the products from the companies listed who are fully aware of what they are doing are not only enemies of our countries but they are also traitors to our race and heritage. The NSPGB gives its full support to the boycott and so takes the boycott up here also in Great Britain with immediate affect, all of the listed companies are noted and recorded, these companies will not succeed in either country, the NSPGB calls upon all pure Aryan people in Great Britain and in the United States of America to unite together on this boycott and stand strong as well.

List of all Companies the Boycott is against:

AOL Time Warner (CNN)
Apax Partners & Co Ltd
Delta Galil
Estée Lauder
Johnson & Johnson
Lewis Trust Group Ltd
Marks & Spencer
News Corporation
Sara Lee
The Limited Inc
Home Depot

Heil Hitler!


Thursday, 25 September 2008

Joint Declaration of American/Britannica Alliance

Joint Declaration of:

The National Socialist Party of Great Britian & National Socialist American Labour Party

As all of you will know the NSALP has formed an Alliance with the NSPGB and we in turn have agreed upon 10 points, 10 points that both parties will always withhold and work with at all times with the Alliance of our two countries. The National Socialist Party of Great Britain and the National Socialist American Labour Party, share very similar goals and objectives and we have discussed ways in which to cooperate on issue development, particularly as it relates to foreign policy issues and cultural issues as they relate to the United Kingdom and the United States of America, the National Socialist Party of Great Britain and the National Socialist American Labour Party are greatly concerned at the steady erosion of Western Culture in Great Britain, Europe and the United States and believe National Socialism presents a traditional “World View” that offers the best solution for preservation of Western Culture and Western Civilization.

Therefore the 10 points agreed upon between both of our parties are as follows:

1. National Socialist issue development relating to foreign policy and preservation of Western Culture and Civilization.

2. National Socialist Cultural Exchanges facilitated via the National Socialist Party of Great Britain and the National Socialist American Labour Party’s Chamber of Culture programs.

3. Development of an eventual Party Congress to work toward National Socialist Unity.

4. Dedication to dialog and political process and the rejection of violence as a means of obtaining our mutual goals and objectives.

5. Dedication to the professional and personal development of each Party’s Members.

6. Mutual Communication via each Party’s Newsletters and Reflector Group(s)

7. Solidarity with National Socialists who lack or are denied Free Speech is “so called” European democracies and are persecuted for nothing more than their political beliefs.

8. Political and Legal Action on behalf of National Socialists who are persecuted for exercising their political beliefs.

9. Calling for an end to “political correctness and artificial guilt improperly placed on today’s youth in Nations that call themselves "Democracies but do not allow youth to organize Nationalist Youth Organizations, free from communist political correctness.

10. Jointly call for and work via the media and political process for the release of all National Socialist Political Prisoners of thought or conscience.

These 10 points are agreed upon by our Party Leader James Castle to be seen fit and correct as they are also agreed upon by the Chairman of the NSALP Mr Krebs.

Heil Our Alliance & Victory!

Heil Hitler!


Thursday, 18 September 2008

American Alliance

Heil All,

It is with much pride and honour that I can announce to you all that after months of talks and plans that the National Socialist American Labour Party- NSALP and the NSPGB have come together with the formation of a strong, working Alliance between our two parties, American members will via there website and newsletter be able to read upon the progress and victories of the NSPGB as well as both of our parties advertising the great good that can come from such Alliances. Together besides both of our countries being brought closer in the same fight that we are all part of as National Socialists, the NSALP and the NSPGB plan on helping the whole National Socialist movement worldwide in uniting and joining together as one and rewrite the negative ideas and views that National Socialism has on so many people worldwide.

The website for the NSALP can be found at the NSPGB Party site under the Alliances Section.

Heil Victory & Our Union!

Sieg Heil!


Monday, 8 September 2008


Heil All,

There has been a shuffle within the party and with this shuffle different comrades have been relieved of some duties whilst others have new duties, the running and maintenance of this, the Parties Blog is one such area affected, from this point onwards the Parties Leader Black Swastika will take full charge of the running and maintenance of this site and keep you all updated of current events as well as what the Party has to say. Anyone interested in learning more or in joining the party is to get in contact with us via the Parties email address which can be found at the end of this notice, only by us all working hard and together can we achieve our victory, time is running out and there will be no second chance!

Heil Hitler!



Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Website Update!

Heil Comrades,

Not too long ago, the Parties website was removed by those who do not agree with National Socialism, but those who are the enemy and who wish to destroy this our very country by making sure that the truth that they know there selves we hold and are spreading is never heard in any shape or form, well, as far as the Parties website is concerned they have failed and they will continue to fail in every area where they meet the Party, only the strong survive and we the members of the NSPGB are the strong, they are the weak and there is no place in this world for the weak!

Now with the re-launch of our website, the Party looks to new ideas and projects in the months to come, our first project will be with the expansion of the Party across the whole of the internet, different sections will be created and the Party will be seen on websites that it never has been before, also advertising across the internet will be boasted with the aid of search engines so the Party can always be found on a much wider and easier scale. Updates of the progress on these projects can be found either via here or via the Party website which has a new address and can be located at the address given at the end of this statement. Besides these updates and notices, the Party is also in working with other National Socialist Parties located throughout the world, if you feel you would like to join the Party please do visit the Party site and download an Application form and send it off to us, only by us all working together can we achieve the victory that is so rightful ours!

We can win this fight, we are the strong and I know and believe that victory will be ours! Visit the Party now and make a difference!

Heil Hitler!

James Castle
Party Leader