Monday, 26 January 2009

Website Annoucements!

After software issues and thinking it has been agreed that the website for the NSPGB will be temporary taken down in order for software and party updates to be installed, as well as a finer look to the site all of this work has been started and the website that you have all known until now will stop being in service very shortly, whilst the work for the website is underway this, the parties blog will as it has before be the home of the NSPGB, all updates, further announcements and news will be posted here.

The same will be happening with the NSV, when everything has been updated an announcement will be given. Mean while I ask all of you who have not already joined the NSPGB to do so, as the future of our country grows further into chaos it is up to us to not only save this country and its native people but to save the very basics of life as we know and believe it to be, all people who disagree with this will see that as time goes by that National Socialism and National Socialism alone is the ONLY answer and way forwards out of this abyss that has descended all around us as tight as ever, victory can only be achieved by great struggle and I ask you all to come forwards to take your place in the correcting of this, our very home and lives!

To Victory and to you All!

Heil Hitler!

James Castle
NSPGB Party Leader

NSV New Alliance Member- MNSF

Heil All,

Today sees the announcement of a new party to join the NSV, the MNSF has seen the benefits of joining the NSV as a true party and a changing party for the better they have past the test and are from this moment now a full member of the NSV. As such all of the parties of the NSV give there full commitment to helping and supporting the MNSF if it is ever needed as the MNSF does with any other member of the NSV.

Heil Unity!

NSV Command