Monday, 25 August 2008


Today we pause to remember the passing of the Founder & Commander of the American Nazi Party. George Lincoln Rockwell was the towering figure who raised aloft the Swastika banner in the years following the fall of the Reich.

In conjunction with Britain's Colin Jordan, GLR established the World Union of National Socialists in the Cotswolds, England.

We salute the memory of this valient National Socialist....

Sunday, 24 August 2008


"We shall never be rough or heartless where it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans who are the only people in the World who have a decent attitude toward animals, will also adopt a decent attitude to these human animals."

Reichsfuhrer SS H. Himmler.

Heinrich Himmler betrayed the Leader in 1945 but his dedication to the cause of National Socialism is still a driving force of Racial Revolution! He is NOT to be honoured as a Party Loyalist, but as a Racial Warrior! He was weak as men can be when death for your family is iminent.

However he hid not have the fanatical conviction of Gr. Goebbels.

Saturday, 23 August 2008


The NSPGB views its mission of primary & absolute importance. We see ourselves as the spiritual & political heirs to the NSDAP & the mighty legacy of Adolf Hitler.

"A world theory is intolerant and is not content with being one Party amongst a number of other parties; it insists on exclusive and persistant recognition of itself and on an absolutely new conception of the whole of public life in accordance with its views. Thus it cannot tolerate continuance of a force representing the former conditions."

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter V, World Theory & Organisation.

Thursday, 21 August 2008


NSPGB & NSW salute the bravery & courage of those who fought so bravely for Europe in the East, their sacrifice will never be forgotten...

Monday, 18 August 2008


In the wake to the fiasco in Georgia it is revealed that the protagonist in the affair is our old friend, the international jew. From the archives we present this poster which reveals a similar enemy faced by Germany's National Socialists.

Sunday, 17 August 2008


Today the Party salutes the bravery & courage of Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess. Hess was murdered on this day in 1987 by jewish SAS operatives. The dedication of Rudolf Hess is an inspiration to us all, His Loyalty was Honour!

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Site to return

Following a meeting with the Party's Leader today I can confirm that the site was removed, without warning or explanation, by the server. The Leader is determined to restore this vital resource as soon as possible.

Further notices will appear in NSW. 88!

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Party Site

The Party Leader has informed me that the NSPGB Home Site is no longer available. In the meantime NSW will act as the Party's public voice.

A statement re. the site will be issued next week.

Friday, 1 August 2008

British Above All!

The party views with distain those aryans who would seek to divide Britain along the lines of a regionalism masked as some new type of "nationalism". 0f cource we have the old-gang anti-British politicos of the SNP & Plaid Cymru, both unquestionably multi-racist & in the pockets of the internationalist. Our newly-discovered English "nationalist" would seek to cast Scotland, Wales & Ulster to a fate unknown as he seeks to gain credability, respectability & some degree of political power by conning Britons that their best interests & future lies in some form of independant England/Scotland.

This is a con of the worst type and is in fact the stated goal & intention of the New World Order. The people who promote this lie are charlatans.

Whilst other political groups flirt with these wreckers, the NSPGB stands solid behind the political & racial union that makes up Britain & the British. Furthermore we extend our Nationality to our Kith & Kin in The Falkland Islands & Gibraltar.