Friday, 1 August 2008

British Above All!

The party views with distain those aryans who would seek to divide Britain along the lines of a regionalism masked as some new type of "nationalism". 0f cource we have the old-gang anti-British politicos of the SNP & Plaid Cymru, both unquestionably multi-racist & in the pockets of the internationalist. Our newly-discovered English "nationalist" would seek to cast Scotland, Wales & Ulster to a fate unknown as he seeks to gain credability, respectability & some degree of political power by conning Britons that their best interests & future lies in some form of independant England/Scotland.

This is a con of the worst type and is in fact the stated goal & intention of the New World Order. The people who promote this lie are charlatans.

Whilst other political groups flirt with these wreckers, the NSPGB stands solid behind the political & racial union that makes up Britain & the British. Furthermore we extend our Nationality to our Kith & Kin in The Falkland Islands & Gibraltar.