Saturday, 1 November 2008
The Coming NS Future!
Heil All,
As all of you will know, National Socialism as a whole whether in this country or abroad has had its set backs as well as its victories, there is now as there has always been back stabbing, lies and other negative activity which does nothing but to stop National Socialism from advancing as far as it so rightfully should. A new beginning is about to begin though that will put an end to that once and for all, a new movement is being created, one which will unite all true National Socialist parties throughout the world together as one strong, united fighting force, so we can all work together and start to solve the real problems and issues that are facing our people and countries, there will be no back stabbing, plotting or any negative, harmful activity within this movement, everyone will be able to stick together and work together as well as help and support each other.
Its time to stop the harm from so called people within National Socialist movements throughout the world stopping us as a whole from achieving what must be done, together all true National Socialist parties will achieve glory and the dawn of victory will become even closer for us all!
Further information on this will be announced as time passes.
Heil All!